Friday, June 12, 2009

Walk Through a Thai Flower Market

While on our way to Chinatown's fabric bazaar, we happened upon the famous Bangkok flower market, which lasts all weekend long, each night well into the wee hours of the morning. It is absolutely mind-blowing to walk through the narrow lanes surrounded by explosions of color and the fragrances that lie in layers, the scents lingering in the air and briefly clinging before being left in your wake, giving way to completely new sensations that wait for your passing. I find it difficult to imagine that each of the hundreds of flower merchants are able to profit, but then Thailand is a land of flowers: They are wanted daily by hotels, shops, department stores, temples, and restaurants. So enchanted were we by the flowers that we didn't make it to the bazaar before it closed.

Four dozen roses: $1.15

Trying to describe the mile-long market is rather like trying to paint a picture of a sunset; so difficult, as it is the shifting of hues that makes the experience memorable. Click on the video below, and walk with us for a few minutes through this incredible market. Better yet, come see it for yourself!

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